Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stoichko Hristov 3 - The Players In General (Sketch/Short Film) | Стоичко Христов 3 - Играчите по принцип (скеч, късометражен филм)

Stoichko Hristov 3 - The Players In General (Sketch/Short Film) from Todor Arnaudov on Vimeo.

Stoichko Hristov 3 - The Players In General,
or Lesson in Bulgarian #1

This one apparently was a quick acting exercise I wanted to complete with minimum efforts. For more elaborated and dramatic episodes, check out Episode 2: "Coaches and Players" and Episode 4: "Respect your enemies",  see the more recent blog posts or Vimeo Profile.

Written, Directed, Produced, Camera, Editing, Acting 

 Todor Arnaudov 

Synopsis: Johny Johnson, a reporter from South Asia News meets Stoichko Hristov again, soon after their talk about the coaches and the players. (Watch Episode 2) Johny remembers quite well their previous meeting and is a bit nervous, so Stoichko tries to melt the ice, teaching him a little of Bulgarian.

Lenght: 3:33 min - includes flash-backs and alternative editing sequence.
More info: http://twenkid.blogspot.com

Episode 4  has a script that is ready for shooting, working title: "Respect Your Enemies".

Episode 5  has a draft of a script and working titles: "The Worst Enemies Of The Game", "Enemies of the Football"

Enjoy! And spread the word if you liked it.

Other keywords: Урок по български, камата, кучето, 8, номер 8, Stoichkov, Hristo, Bulgaria, football, soccer, coaches, players, jokes, comedy, acting; Христо, Стоичков, България, футбол, треньор, селекционер, играчи, шеги, майтапи, комедия, актьорско майсторство, актьори, смях, английски

Made in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2010.


  1. Поработи над звука, концепцията, визията и посланието. :]

  2. Иди се гръмни :)), това е лиготия за 5 минути, истинските филми още са проекти и сценарии и си чакат времето.
