Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stoichko Hristov 2 - Coaches and Players (Sketch/Short Film) | Стоичко Христов 2 - Треньорите и Играчите (скеч, късометражен филм)

Stoichko Hristov 2 - Coaches and Players | Стоичко Христов 2 - Треньорите и Играчите from Todor Arnaudov on Vimeo.

Watch in Youtube and See Related videos and interviews with Stoichko Hristov

Coaches and Players, High Quality in Vimeo

Synopsis: Johny Johnson, a reporter from South Asia News meets Stoichko Hristov, a just left ex-head coach of "Pacific Superstars". Mr Hristov shares his original thoughts on Coaches and Players' roles in games. An intruder and Johny's aggressive questions lead to intense conclusions.

Lenght: 6 min - includes moments from the next episode and alternative editing.

Written, Directed, Produced, Camera, Editing, Acting:
Todor Arnaudov - Tosh/Twenkid.

(C) Todor Arnaudov/Twenkid Studio 2010

Български:  когато напиша субтитрите.

Стоичко Христов 2, Треньорите и играчите.

Сценарий, режисьор, продуцент, оператор, монтаж, в ролите: Тодор Арнаудов - Тош/Twenkid.


The character of Stoichko Hristov is inspired by Hristo Stoichkov, but it's not and is not intended to be an exact imitation. Stoichko has his specifics, created to tell the messages of the scripts I want to tell.

*Hristo Stoichkov rules!* :)

Regarding his interviews, as a coach Hristo Stoichkov seems to me calm and balanced, I don't think he would talk like that about his players. My character is more similar to him as a player. :)

In one of the following episodes he will talk about the referees...


  1. Hey Todor, I see your into filmmaking as well ;)
    I'll add you as a friend on youtube haha, I am TheBullseyeStudios.
    I'm into film as well, and was wondering if you could check out my blog and videos that I have posted. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. I may be young, but my passion for film is strong...
    Let me know what you think, and if you could follow me as well, that would be greatly appreciated. Keep it up, and thanks! :D

  2. Hi Adrian, thanks for the link, I'm glad to see another passionate and brave young filmmaker! :) I'll follow your works and comment on your work, when have some time to watch.

    My first comment is that I think you may improve the design of your blog (to me simple and neat is best) - some fonts are hard to read, and there are so many ads, while the site is just beginning. I think these ads wouldn't bring revenue until you're having thousands of viewers, so the first task may be to attract them with the content... Good luck!
